Monday, March 15, 2010

Meet Tim

Meet Tim.

Gets up on Wednesday morning. For him it’s pretty typical. half-awake,he fights with his sister for the bathroom mirror. Tries to clean the toothpaste off his favorite Tee. “Thanks sis”. Sees the time and runs out the door to catch the bus. 
 Rides with mom to school. Late-ish. not good. especially since he knows He’s gonna get crap for not finishing his report entitled  "The life-cycle of the sea anenome." Tells mom to drives faster. “Why are you in such a hurry, son?”
School is fun. hides from bullies. and ex-girlfriend. hangs out at lunch. has to bum a buck off a kid for a soda. gotta remember to par him back.... somehow. A friend invites him to youth at church.       again.
 After school he still hasn’t told anyone that for not turning the paper his grade in that class is... low. at home he ignores the sound of arguing parents with the sounds of MTV. Sister comes in yelling at him about her missing ipod headphones. Doesn’t know what she is talking about. kicks her out of his room. Thinks “maybe I should go. There’s nothing else to do in this stupid town. I guess I’ll check it out. at least after that, Matt would leave me alone about going for  a while”
Jumps through all kinds of hoops and explanations, finally securing permission to leave the house. gets a ride.
6:50 he walks into church. 

What will his experience at your youth group be?

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff! First time attenders are a gift. How will we respond to God's gift? Very thought provoking, not just for teens, but for all of us! Thanks for this post.
