Friday, April 23, 2010

Stuck in a Rut?

Let's face it we sometimes get into spots where the clear-thinking, focus, and creativity just won't budge an inch. We stare at our Bible, or computer with a completely blank Word Document and for some reason Cannot get the ball rolling in regards to message prep. Here are a couple things I've noticed help me get out of that block, Hope they are of help:

1. Pray
     I know, I know, Duh, right? It seems obvious but sometimes we jumpstart our day thinking we have to get this, and this, and this done; and it's all good, ministry stuff we need to do so we'd rather not "waste" time and get started. But it follows that we wonder what God would have us tell our group, yet have we actually sat down and asked Him?

2. Change the scenery
     This almost works like a charm for me. I know it's weird but I can be at my desk with no distraction around in my "zone" and still be incapably of forming those first few vital points of my sermon. yet If I take the Bible and macbook outside, somewhere new, to a coffee shop or even home, or on a curb beside the road; the ball gets rolling! I don't know why but it helps, really.

3. Change your input method
      By this I mean, If you typically type your message up, pull out a pen and paper. if you usually write out an outline, try using a dry-erase board. The last time I was having a block in my prep, and could not get going, I closed my computer (which is my usual method), took it off my desk (blasphemy, I know!), and  pulled out a stack of post-it notes. I jotted every idea, analogy, story and question, I could think of about the text and topic, onto Post-its! then arranged them around on the surface of my desk and eventually... PRESTO! a message was in front of me!

I hope some of these help. Be sure to check back here in a few days as I work though more of the 7 checkpoints.

Grace and Peace,

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