Thursday, July 15, 2010

Spiritual Disciplines

     This one is often difficult. Nobody wants to here that they need to become disciplined... in anything, from eating right, to exercise, to learning; but for a growing, healthy believer it is so incredibly important! Regular quiet time, Bible reading, and prayer are like the eating right of the spiritual life. If those disciplines are not tended to regularly, it would be like the seeds planted in rocky soil, which have shallow roots; Once life really starts beating down, while they are in college or starting their career, their life will burn up. One great way to help besides spending some time talking about it, is to have a Quiet Time Journal Challenge. A way you could do this is at the end of a message about Bible reading or quiet time you let your teens know that if they wish to accept a journal challenge to let you know via text, or on a communication card if you use one. Once they do that you can have a custom designed journal made for them that has a spot for the days date, the scripture they read that day and a few lines for journaling their thoughts. make it relatively short like 30-35 pages so they can complete it in a month or two, regardless of how long it takes, when they have read enough and journalized it full. They bring it you and you guys celebrate it! give them something as a gift or just give them praise and encouragement, and give them another journal to fill-up. While doing this some of your students will stop and never pick it back up, but some will develop life-long habits because you took time time give them a quiet time journal, and show them how to use it.

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